Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Lecture 3: Elements of Fiction

In this lecture we discuss the literary elements that are important in the analysis of fictional prose. Prose basically includes short stories and novels, however the same elements can be used in the analysis of theatre and films as well.

Links to notes for Lecture 3: Elements of Fiction

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Lecture 2: What is Literature?

In this lecture we talked about what makes a piece of work Literature because the process isn't automatic and not everything written can be considered Literature. The important gist to take away from this lesson is - to be considered Literature, the piece must be well written and hold some significant value to the culture that it's meant for.

Links to notes for Lecture 2: Introduction to Literature

Lecture 1: Course Information

This course aims to introduce students to English Literary works and encourage them to critically respond using critical theories.

The course will cover the 3 important genres of English Literature - Poetry, Short Stories and Drama.

Here is the course assessment for those who missed our first lecture.

Class Materials

These are the materials used for this semester. Please read or watch them before we discuss them in class.

Short Stories

The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

The Use of Force by WC Williams

Tea by Saki

Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl

The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde
(Compulsory Reading)

The novel in PDF Format

Flowers for Algernon 
(Optional Reading)

The novel in PDF Format

It's a start!

Hello, and welcome to Introduction to Literature.

This blog is intended as a supplement to our HAE3073 lectures. Here I post updates about class development, extra notes that were not included in the lecture package as well as interesting videos and texts that may come in handy.

Please check often for our regular updates.

Thank you and good luck for your semester!